Vintage Shotguns
“If guns could speak, what stories they could tell…”

Pricing: Some of these prices are subject to change, as more research happens. (This pricing is 5 years old, and was done when I was in financial trouble … email me at [email protected], tell me what you’re interested in and I’ll give you a current price. Thanks, CC. 1/15/2020

Lefever Damascus 12 ga. High Grade, well used, shiny bores, “Tony the Trader”, Butte. Blue Book price (need more research) My Price today $600

Browning Superposed 12 Skeet, Round Knob Long Tang, 26″ barrels, SK/SK, perfect bores, 95%+, “The Real Thing” , Belgium 2014 BB p.338 $1800 +25% RKLT- $100/pad= $2100. My price $1600

Browning A-5 Belgium 12 ga. Auto “Slug Gun”, Round knob, Blond Stock, iron sights, smooth shiny bore. 2014 Blue Book P.349, $925 + 15% for RK+ 15% for Blonde Stock $1202.50 My price $700

Charles Daly Field Grade.410, 28″ Barrels, Pad, 90%+, Japan 2014 Blue Book P.433 price $1381, My Price $1200

Bozard 28ga, 28″ Damascus barrels, XF/XF, Recent Nitro Proofs. Online comp $4400, My price $3000

Parker 10 ga. Hammer Damascus. Dark bores. BB p.1455 (More research needed) Today $800

Browning Superposed Lightning 12 ga. 28″ barrels, 2 3/4″ chambers, RKLT, M/F, shiny bores, Blue Book P.338 $950 My price $950

Francotte 12ga. BLE, 28″ barrels, M/F 2014 BB p.784 $5000 my price $4000

W.Richards 10 ga. BB p.2186 (more research is needed) Today $500

Webley&Scott 20ga. Mod 720 BBC.2176 $3995, my price $3000

Miroku “My Luck” Skeet Gun. Deep engraving, early, rare, 28″ barrels. SK/SK BB p.1340 This is an unusual gun, perhaps testing a market- more research req’d. Today $1500

Parker VH 12 Damascus. Chipped Dog’s Head Buttplate, (slightly) dented 28″ barrel, good bores, M/F BB p 1455 $1500 my price $800

Parker Hammer Twist 16 ga. O Frame. BB p. 1455 worth $10,000, perhaps. More research needed. Today $5000

Winchester 101 .410, 28″ barrels, 3″ chambers (by Briley). BB P.2279 $800+ 50% for .410 is $1200 my price $1200

Winchester Mod 12. 12 ga. Skeet. Competition slicked. 2014 Blue Book p. 2260 $1750 my price $1200

Winchester Model 50, 12 ga, custom wood. BB p. 2265. $1300+ 100 (Simmons rib) 1400 my price $1000

Browning Superposed Lightning 20. Round Knob Long Tang, IC/IM. Belgium BB p. 338 $2200+ 25% for RKLT=$2750 my price today $1800

Belgian Percussion 16, bar-in-wood, engraved, clean. Today $800

Browning Superposed 12, 28″ bbls, RKLT, double selective triggers (1931- rare) 2014 BB p. 334 $2200- 15% for pad, +$100 for VR, +10% for DST= $2200 my price $2200

Kassnar Churchill 28 ga BB p. 1019 $525+ $70 for 28 ga=$595 my price $500

Winchester Model 50 Full $525+$100/rib=$625 my price $525

Superposed 20 SK/SK 26″ RKLT 2014 BB p. 335 $2000 my price $1500

Remington Sportsman 16 gauge p 1573 $400 my price $350

Pride of Spain Jabala 12 M/F

Browning Superposed 12 RKLT, DST, IC/Mod

Miroku 20, RKLT, 28″, near new, M/F $1400+20% for 20 ga=$1680 my price $1400

MAS 12, St Etienne, Cyl/Full, 28″ Not listed. More research needed. Today $550

American Arms Knickerbocker 16. Today $300

Iver Johnson .410 project/parts gun. Today $250

Ithaca Damascus 20 Blue Book p. 976 $700, Today $400

Ithaca 16, IC/Mod, Grandpa’s, Not for Sale

Franchi AL 20 20ga. auto. Full choke. 2014 Blue Book p.774 $500 my price $400

Davenport 12, oversized barrel, purpose unknown. Research required. Today $500
Please let me know if you know anything about this gun! Harpoon gun?

CZ Trap/Skeet combo

Browning Citori 20, 28″, 3″ chambers, various choke tubes, adjustable stock, 28″, FKLT 2014 BB p. 319. $800

Bolt Action .410

Charles Daly 20, Gift from Tom Bolstad, NFS

Beretta 12 Auto, 2 3/4″, Camo, many numbers stamped on it (perhaps police, military?) after manufacture. Research needed. Briley XF long custom Turkey Choke. Today $500

“Animo” Eibar 12, M/F Spain. $350

Winchester 9410, .410,2 1/2″, anib, 2014 BB.p.2266 $800, hand chosen from a dozen. Today $1200