Vintage Rifles
“If guns could speak, what stories they could tell…”
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Marlin 1895. 45/70 Pre-Safety, Micro-groove rifling, Decelerator. $500

Steyr Mauser 8x57 (.323) 1895 straight-pull Mauser, double set trigger, antler schnobble, Mannlicher Stock. BB Steyr p.1927, Mannlicher p.1236. More research needed. Today $900

RWE Mannlicher 8x57 mm Mauser (.323). double set trigger. folding leaf sights. half stock. $700

Win Mod. 70. 30/06 pre ’64, rail (for load development- not included) , uncut stock, no buttplate 2014 BB.p.2013.$575 My price $675

1903 Springfield Sporter, Unertl Hawk Scope. Not for Sale, too many miles, too many memories… accurate, light, loud, and kicks like a mule…but deadly.

Rem. 700 ADL .300 Win Mag, Bushnell Scope, lots of load development, close to minute accuracy with 210 Bergers. $600

Savage “Hog Hunter” .308, Weaver Rail, 12x Leupold Scope, load development with 168 match, 210 Berger, 1-10 rifling for heavier bullets. Still working on it. Gun $600, scope $300.

Rem. 788, .222 Rem, “Sheepherder drinking money”, Clip, accurate. 2014 BBp.1550 Today $400

Rem 700 BDL, 7mm Rem Mag, Leupold 3-9 VariX III Scope. Rail. Still working on it. NFS.

Rem Mod 7, .308 Win, custom English Walnut Stock, Ultra Light, 3-9x Leupold Vari-X II a beautiful gun, likes 180 Silvertips. Today $900

Marlin 917M2, .17 Mach II, accurate, scope, new, box BBp.1258 MSR $253 my price $325 with ammo (circa 400 rounds) and scope

Marlin XL7, 25/06, rail, scope, accurate. $400

Rem. 700 V BDL 25/06, rail, QD mount, VariXIII, Load Dev, bipod. Today $800

Ruger 77 Stainless .223 Rem, Nikon Scope, BB p. 1968 $435 scope $120

Savage 110 DL Left Hand .300 Win Mag, BB p.1722 $350+80= $430 no scope

Mod 94 Pre 64 30/30, Williams Peep Sight BBp2215, $400

Sheridan “Silver Streak” .20 pump-up airgun

Savage NRA Match .22, scope,2014 BB p.1703 My price $300

Winchester Model 70, .270

Marlin 1894c .357 Mag/.38 Sp, 18 1/2″ bbl, shortened stock, $500

Ithaca .22 Saddle Gun

Interarms 7.62x39 MarkX Mini, laminated stock, Leupold VXII 3-9, $750

J.C. Higgins single shot .22 bolt action. My first gun

Mossberg Target .22, scope, box

CVA Replica Kentucky Rifle, .45 Muzzle loader, fiberglass ram-rod, trigger work. NFS

Rem Model 700 6mm Rem, looks new, accurate. P 1553. $750 My price $700

03A3 Sporter, 30-06, 4x post scope Today $400, no scope.

Marlin 1889 Saddle Gun, Octagon Barrel, aftermarket rear sight, “Montana Indian Gun”, provenance unknown. 44/40. Perfect function. Worn barrel, repaired stock. BB p. 1245 $500+15% 44/40= $575 More research req’d Today, $700

FN/FAL .308. Imbel Receiver “Right Arm of the Free World” with scope $1500

Savage 116 7mm mag, stainless fluted bbl, Shepherd scope

Remington mod 700 7mm mag “camo”